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2021-2025 Five Year Strategic Educational Plan



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PACE Graduate School of Christian Education (PGSCE) is a place where students are prepared to be people after God's own heart so that they may serve their generation and the generations to come. This is because we believe that once students develop such character they will do well in their academic and extracurricular pursuits.


With the rising threat of Covid-19 pandemic, unique experiences opened doors that we did not think would open for PGSCE. Who would have thought that we can do online classes and become accessible to students? This only shows that despite the hardships, sorrows, and challenges of 2020, God still works for the good of those who love Him. God is still in control!


After some time of consultations and studies, the PGSCE Five-Year Strategic Plan (2021-2025) has been developed. As we establish our plans for the next five years, we are now tasked to explore new horizons. We will not only be improving our facilities, but will also be extending our reach, and deepening our roots. With the guidance and direction of God, our Father and Master Planner, I firmly believe that we shall overcome our challenges, grow where we are, and succeed in our endeavors.


During the implementation of this five-year PGSCE Strategic Educational Plan, we will tap the participation of the communities in which we serve. We acknowledge that their assistance will help us in carrying out our mission and in achieving our vision.


This is an exciting time in the life of PGSCE. We will continue to shape and influence the future in godliness and excellence. For the Glory of God and service of men!


                                                                   ROMULO G. PIZAÑA, Ph D




The PGSCE Five-Year (2021-2025) Strategic Educational Plan will not be realized without the initiative and profound guidance of Dr Nora Quetulio, Academic Dean of PGSCE, and professor of ED505, Strategic Educational Planning & National Development (1st Semester- School Year 2020-2021). The collaborative efforts of students in ED505 class from gathering data to analysis and presentation of the plan are commendable.


The students were: Elvin Saburin, Jahziel Tampilic, Jophylyne Lucena, Lamberto Balce, Nissa Nepales, Ria Germaine Balabag, Rosalie Fabregas, and Ruth Ann Balang.


Likewise, the cooperation and assistance of the honorable members of the Board of Trustees, faculty members, employees, and students are worth mentioning. In spite of their busy schedule, they gave time to accomplish the survey forms. We are thankful for their inspiring guidance, constructive criticisms, and friendly advice during the development of the plan. We are sincerely grateful to them for sharing their truthful and illuminating views on a number of issues related to planning.


But most of all, we thank and praise the Almighty God for giving us wisdom, enough strength, and team work to complete this challenging work.



As PGSCE celebrates its 30th founding year in 2021, it is more fitting to recalibrate the school in order to face the new challenges of the 21st century and to cope with the demands and standards of higher education.


This PGSCE Five -year Strategic Educational Plan for Academic Year (AY) 2020-2021 to 2024-2025 is a road map that provides direction, helps define priorities, and assists with management of limited resources.


Central to this strategic educational plan is the recognition that the quality of faculty and graduate students are intertwined and that, strengthening the Graduate School will enhance the quality and activities of the entire school.


Hopefully, this strategic plan helps the PGSCE’s leadership identify the ways that can distinguish the School from other institutions.

The Process

Given PGSCE’s maturity as a graduate school for 29 years, it was time for a more comprehensive look at the institution. One of Dr Nora Quetulio’s first acts upon the start of her Strategic Educational Planning and National Development class in October 2020, was to plot a path forward for PGSCE.


As an academic dean, she initiated a formal strategic planning process that had applied a deeper understanding of developing the PGSCE Five-Year Strategic Educational Plan. Her class, which formed the Strategic Planning Team, met weekly from August 22, 2020 to December 19, 2020 and accepted the challenge of developing the School’s strategic educational plan.


As a start, survey questionnaires were developed and distributed to all members of the major PGSCE stakeholders, namely: the Board of Trustees, faculty, employees, and students. The planning team would like to find out what they thought the school had been doing well and what needed improvement. Their suggestions could deal with anything from operations to school culture.


Using information gathered from all of these sources, the planning team examined the mission, vision, and core values or principles of the school; they were modified to be sure of their relevance to changing times and needs.


Moreover, the planning team assessed the external threats and opportunities as well as internal weaknesses and strengths (known as SWOT). This resulted in the identification of the school’s distinctive competencies, critical issues and strategic goals. These, along with considerations of societal and school values, led to the choice of five areas to focus on for the next five years. These focused areas are: 1) Student Success, 2) Curriculum Development, 3) Faculty & Staff Development, 4) Instructional Facilities Development, and 5) Visibility Enhancement.


PGSCE will be a dynamic premier Christian graduate school in the field of education for Christ and country.



PGSCE is committed to offer our students academically proficient, Christ-centered, and affordable education for effective Christian life, service, and leadership.





Our core values are:

  • Christlikeness – Living out in reverence and respect for God.

  • Unity in diversity – Absence of differences between people belonging to diverse cultural groups, religious denominations, social status and other demographic differences.

  • Commitment – willingness to get involved in spiritual or community undertakings.

  • Partnership - networking with the Christian community.

  • Academic Excellence - Maximum development of intellectual capacities and skills in service to humanity.

  • Perseverance - Determination in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.


1. The Trinity  

We believe that God is One, eternally existing in three persons- Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, infinite in glory, wisdom, holiness, justice, power and love.


2. God the Father

 We believe in God the Father, the Eternal Spirit who hears, and answers prayer, and watches over and cares for the redeemed. He saves man from sin and death, and imparts new life to all who accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.


3. God the Son  

We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for sin; sufficient for all men, and for all time. He rose bodily from the dead. He ascended into heaven, and is now at the right hand of God making intercession for the saints.


4. God the Holy Spirit  

We believe in the Holy Spirit, sent from the Father and the Son to reprove men of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. He regenerates the believing sinners; giving them new life, and empowering them for service. He abides, guides, teaches, and comforts every true believer.


5. The Word of God  

We believe that the Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament is fully the inspired Word of God. It was originally written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and is free from all errors. It is the only infallible and authoritative guide to faith and practice.


6. Man  

We believe that man was created by God in His image and likeness. The first man fell into sin and because of his fall, all men are sinners by nature and by choice, and are lost apart from Christ.


7. Salvation  

We believe that salvation is a free gift from God, offered on the basis of redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Salvation includes: the forgiveness of sin, the imputation of Christ’s righteousness, a new nature, communion with God, and eternal life.


8. The Church  

We believe that the church is composed of all those who have been regenerated by the Word of God, by whom they have been baptized into one body of which Christ is the Head. The purpose of the church is to witness concerning Jesus Christ according to the Scripture, and make disciples of all nations.


9. The Ordinances  

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has given only two ordinances to His church. These are the baptism and the Lord’s Supper. These are to be observed until Christ returns.


10. Last Things  

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth in a personal visible manner in order to receive unto Him the redeemed and to establish His kingdom. We believe in the resurrection of the dead, the righteous unto eternal glory, and the wicked unto eternal punishment.


Humble beginnings as a Training Institute


PACE Graduate School of Christian Education (PGSCE) was first established as the Philippine Association of Christian Education (PACE) in the 1960s. Truly evangelical in its composition and orientation, PACE had been serving both the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC), the National Council of Churches of the Philippines (NCCP) and, in recent years the Council of the Full Gospel Ministries in the Philippines (CFGMP). In one of its recent ministries, 15 different denominations and mission groups participated, including a strict fundamentalist church, and two ecclesiastical denominations.


PACE had nine ministry programs; all focused on equipping Christians leaders, Sunday school teachers, and other Christian servants to be more effective in the church and in their places of work. These ministry programs were:


a)  Church Youth Leadership,

b)  Christian Education Internship,

c)  Christian Leadership Training Manuals Development,

d)  National Sunday School Convention,

e)  National Consultation on Christian Parenthood Institute,

f)  Special Services to School and Churches,

g) Standard Training Institute,

h) Sunday School Superintendents Institute, and

i)  Customized Training Programs.












PACE planned to reach greater heights in serving the Body of Christ. Its goal is to help disciple the Philippines and other nations for Christ by the year 2000 and beyond. More than ever before, the late Dr. Elizabeth Javalera and her staff were strongly motivated in implementing PACE’s above-mentioned ministry programs. They were determined to multiply able men and women who would cascade knowledge and skills gained from these ministry programs to others.


In 1980, Dr Javalera opened the PACE Learning Center that offered nursery, kindergarten, and preparatory grades. However, after a certain period, the preschool was phased out due to internal problems.



Transforming into a Graduate School


Sometime during the mid-1987, Dr. Elizabeth “Betty” R. Javalera, who then was the General Secretary of PACE, envisioned the organization to become a graduate school of Christian education. Keeping that in mind, PACE was converted into PACE Graduate School of Christian Education (PGSCE) after two years. On May 23, 1989, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC-Philippines) approved her request for the registration of PACE as a graduate school. Thus, PGSCE became an educational arm of PACE.


Education as an equalizer


The 1990s brought about a dramatic change in the School and reaffirmed its commitment to education. As an equalizing instrument in the development of Christian leaders and educators, the School became active in preparing for its role and responsibility to contribute to the country’s social progress and development.


Eventually, the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (now DepEd) granted full “Government Recognition” (CO 67, S.1073) to PGSCE to operate as a graduate school in its new building in Cubao, Quezon City on January 26, 1993. With God’s intervention, PGSCE was born in order to equip Christian administrators, teachers, curriculum writers and counselors whose desire was to serve God by influencing the present and future generations through education. Most vital was, DepEd saw the school as a powerful instrument for evangelism, discipleship and in shaping the nation.  


With the government recognition to operate as a graduate school, PGSCE was mandated to offer courses in educational management, guidance and counseling, curriculum & instruction, and early childhood education leading to Master of Arts. With an enrolment of more than 75 students, the PGSCE doors were opened in June 1993. After sometime, the School offered Certificate of Professional Course in Education (CPCE) to non-education degree holders to enable them to teach and take the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).


Leadership and Service


The late Dr. Elizabeth “Betty” R. Javalera became the first dean of PGSCE. The First PGSCE Board of Trustees was also organized with the late Dr Eli Javier as the Chairperson. Moreover, faculty members and employees of the School were appointed. Since its establishment, there were some changes in leadership, and faculty & staff turnovers, but the School has been able to sustain its image as a dynamic premier Christian graduate school in the field of education. 


PGSCE has been and has sustained its role as a worthy catalyst of change for the improvement and raising the quality of lives of its graduates and their families. It also continues to make significant contributions to the social and economic development of the country

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The School’s Main Programs


1. Master of Arts in Christian Education with major in Educational Management


This program aims to develop committed Christian educational administrators who are properly equipped in both theory and practice to serve in public or private elementary, secondary, and tertiary schools.


2. Master of Arts in Christian Education with major in Early Childhood Education


This program aims to develop committed early childhood Christian education teachers, administrators, consultants, and program planners who are properly equipped, both in theory and in practice, to serve in schools, in child development centers or in other settings where their service are needed.


3. Master of Arts in Christian Education with major in Guidance & Counseling


This program aims to develop committed Christian guidance counselors who are properly equipped, both in theory and in practice, to serve in a school setting or in other settings where guidance and counseling services are needed.


4. Master of Arts in Christian Education with major in Curriculum and Instruction


This program aims to develop Christian curriculum leaders who are properly equipped, both in theory and in practice, to serve as curriculum coordinators, evaluators, planners, developers or curriculum writers in a school or non-school setting.


5. Certificate of Professional Course in Education (CPCE)


This program is offered to non-Education graduates who want to pursue their higher education in Christian Education and who want to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).


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As we commit ourselves to achieving the vision, we have set five strategic goals of PGSCE, as follows:


Goal 1:  Build high impact learning experiences.

Goal 2:  Improve the curricular programs & CPCE Courses in response to changing times and needs.

Goal 3: Sustain PGSCE faculty and employee’s' commitment to perform effectively.

Goal 4: Upgrade the School’s instructional facilities 

Goal 5: Enhance the public’s image and knowledge of the School.

Focused Area 1: Student Success



The following matrices present the strategic objectives strategic actions, performance indicators, and expected outcomes during the five-year period:   


Focused Area 2: Curriculum Development


Focused Area 3: Faculty& Staff Development


Focused Area 4: Instructional Facilities Development


Focused Area 5: Visibility Enhancement

Goals and Objectives

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